
We’re your voice on campus

The Students’ Union is here for you.










It’s our job to make sure you feel happy, supported, and able to complete your studies at ÌÇÐÄÊÓƵÎÛ Durham.

That covers everything from looking after your welfare, amplifying your thoughts about college life, and providing social, cultural, and recreational activities.

We try to make this as easy as possible. You automatically become a member of the Students’ Union when you enrol at ÌÇÐÄÊÓƵÎÛ Durham, and we’ll be here for you when you need us.

We’d always encourage you to take charge of your education, be heard, expand your horizons through the union, and shape your experience to be the best that it can be.

In the meantime, we’ll be focussed on representing you and your peers to senior management at the college and external bodies, ensuring that the college understands the needs and wants of its students, and makes decisions accordingly.

The Students’ Union exists to advance the education of all ÌÇÐÄÊÓƵÎÛ Durham students.

We achieve this by:

  • Promoting the interests and welfare of students at ÌÇÐÄÊÓƵÎÛ Durham during their programme of study.
  • Representing, advising and supporting students.
  • The representative channel between the students and ÌÇÐÄÊÓƵÎÛ Durham senior leadership and any other external bodies
  • Providing social, cultural and recreational activities and forums for discussion and debate for the personal development of its students and the services and facilities in College.

  • The National Union of Students

    The National Union of Students (NUS) is the largest student organisation in the UK, representing millions of students whose voices deserve to be heard. ÌÇÐÄÊÓƵÎÛ Durham Students’ Union is part of the NUS. When you speak to us, your message will be heard nationally, thanks to our relationship with the NUS.

    We support the core values of the NUS to promote, defending and extending the rights of students here at ÌÇÐÄÊÓƵÎÛ Durham and across the country.

  • Totum Cards

    When you enrol at ÌÇÐÄÊÓƵÎÛ Durham or with one of our partners, you become eligible to purchase a TOTUM card! The only student card to be recognised by the NUS, a TOTUM card can bag you discounts and offers from hundreds of UK students’ best-loved brands. You’ll be able to save on everything from the essentials to music, tech, fashion, health and fitness, beauty, eating out and travel. The TOTUM card is also a recognised form of proof of age ID. .

  • Citizen Card

    Need to prove your identity? For a DBS check, a flight within the UK, to prove your age, or for a number of other reasons? You can apply for a Citizen Card through our application portal with code NEW26D. If you’re enrolled at the college, we’ll automatically be able to act as your referee, making the application process as seamless as possible.

    A Citizen Card is more affordable than a passport or driver’s license, is often issued faster, and is a valid form of ID for use within the UK.


  • Societies

    We’re really proud of the wide range of societies that exist thanks to the Students’ Union. They elevate your college experience, creating opportunities for you to find like-minded people, forge friendships, develop skill and interests and broaden your horizons.

    Find your tribe, whether it’s in the LGBTQ+ Society, the friendship group, a political or activism club, a sports team, or one of our many course-based societies.

    Can’t find the society you’re looking for? Set one up! Contact the Students’ Union office or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for help and advice.

  • Events and Fundraising

    Find your new at the SU

    Our packed calendar of events offers something for everyone. Come along, get involved, we’d love to meet you.


  • Volunteering

    Our Students’ Union has a legacy of volunteering that the college is immensely proud of.

    Our dedicated students have been to the Himalayas, taught in Kenya and made tea in Brandon. And there are volunteering positions closer to home, too. The opportunities are as big as you want them to be!

    Get involved, boost your CV, learn new skills, and become the socially conscious student you hoped to be.

    College Volunteers

    The Students’ Union and the Learner Development Co-ordinator facilitate the College Volunteer Programme. 

    Our College Volunteers make our many college events possible. Taking on a range of tasks and responsibilities, they uplift the College, support younger students onto the next step of their education journey, and gain a wealth of skills and experience.

    If you’d like to play a part in delivering advice and information events, or work with children and young people from schools across the region, contact the Students’ Union, fill in one of our postcards and place in the box outside the Students’ Union Office, or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

    External Opportunities

    Throughout the year we advertise lots of volunteering opportunities in County Durham. We also use  to find specialist volunteering opportunities for students, which is a national database of all kinds of volunteer positions. Further opportunities are also available from 

  • Representation

    Course Representatives

    Course reps impact positive change. 

    They speak for you and every student on your programme. They attend meetings with academic staff from your department and school, and they give feedback on how students feel about teaching, learning and assessment, support, and college facilities. Course reps also occasionally attend Quality Forums and contribute to other consultations events.

    They provide a link between you, and others on your course, and college decision makers, enabling the college to better understand your needs and act upon your wishes.

    Our officers represent other groups within the college, making sure that every demographic is seen and heard. The below officers are elected in October:

    • Mature Students Officer
    • Part-time Students Officer
    • Students with Disabilities Officer
    • LGBTQ Officer
    • HE Officer
    • FE Officer
    • International Officer
    • Apprenticeship Officer

    If you are interested in applying for an officer position, please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    Student Governors

    We also have two positions on the Corporation of ÌÇÐÄÊÓƵÎÛ Durham which is the governing body of the College.  One of the Governor positions is held by the President of the Students’ Union and the second position will be an FE counterpart.

    The current Student Governors are:

    • Megan Poole – HE Governor Position
    • Arran Doogan – FE Governor Position

  • Advice and Support

    Whenever the college is open, the Students’ Union is here for you.

    Working with the Learner Development Co-ordinator (LDC), our team of personable, professional, problem-solving staff can help with any issues you’re experiencing, at college, at home, anywhere.

    We won't take sides and we won't judge you. We will take time to explain all your options and give you information that will assist you to make the best decision for you.

    We can provide advice, representation and information on:

    • Guidance on academic appeals and mitigation
    • Information regarding disciplinary issues, fitness to practice or academic malpractice.
    • Difficulties with placements
    • Requirements to monitor students’ attendance and progress.
    • Complaints, comments or suggestions. 

    To make an appointment, call us on 0191 375 4546 or email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

    You can also just pop in. Find us at the Students’ Union office in the Sports and Music Building, behind Starbucks.

  • Register to Vote

    At age 16 you can register to vote, although you aren’t eligible to vote until you turn 18.

    If you move house, for example, to be closer to college, you’ll need to register to vote again.

    Unlike universities, ÌÇÐÄÊÓƵÎÛ Durham does not block register students to vote because of the wide range of constituencies our students come from.

    The below information will help you to register to vote.

    How do I register to vote?

    Follow the link below to register your vote:

    How do I check if I am registered to vote?

    Every local authority holds the electoral register for their own area. There is no online electoral roll.

    To check if you are registered to vote, you will need to contact your local electoral registration office.

    What information Do I Need?

    When registering online you’ll be required to give your name, nationality, address and your National Insurance number.  If you don’t know your National Insurance number, you should be able to find it on a pay slip or your Student Loan letter or other official documents.

    Electoral Register or the Open Register?

    You’ll be asked whether you want to include your name on the ‘open register’, which can be bought by any person or organisation and is usually used to confirm name and address details. If you only want to be included on the electoral register and not the open register, that’s fine, it won’t affect your ability to vote.

    Term Time Address or Home Address?

    Students can register at two addresses.  If you do not know where you will be leading up to an election or referendum, then just register both addresses.

    Any Questions

    If you are unsure about registering on any of the processes involved, please contact your local Electoral Registration Office.