

Sam Laws, (User Support Technician), along with his dad Steven (Technician in Carpentry & Joinery) are taking part in the Benidorm or Bust charity car event to raise vital funds for the Northumbria Blood Bikes. Starting here in Durham, they will join other teams from across the country and drive over the course of 4 days in a 17-year-old banger!

Steven is one of around 200 volunteers who help to deliver urgent blood, samples, medical equipment, patient notes and donated breast milk for premature babies for local NHS trusts and the Great North Air Ambulance every day of the year. 

All costs are covered by the team, so every penny donated goes towards this particularly important charity to carry out their valuable work. This service they provide is completely free to our local NHS trusts, saving them over £400,000 a year which can then be used for front line services. 

The charity is funded entirely by donations, this allows them to keep their fleet of motorbikes and cars on the road to continue providing this service.

This will be the fourth time that the pair will have taken part and over the past few years raising almost £10,000 along the way.

All donations are very welcome and if you would like to donate,  

To find out more about the Northumbria Blood Bikes, visit